C A Mather Incorporated
Process Summary
Process Summary
The following is a brief summary of the winding up process:
- Obtain death certificate and gather required information and documentation.
- Complete forms.
- Draw letter reporting to master and deliver with 1 and 2.
- Deal with master’s queries if any.
- Obtain Letters Of Executorship.
- Report Estate to SARS.
- Arrange for first advertisement for creditors.
- Take control of assets
- Address all banks, creditors, debtors, medical aid, pension fund etc.
- Open estate banking account.
- Arrange for payment by banks etc
- Deal with immoveable property and investments.
- Draw Liquidation and distribution account.
- Submit account to master for approval to advertise.
- Deal with master’s queries if any.
- Advertise L&D account.
- Advise SARS and obtain clearance.
- Pay creditors.
- Request master’s permission to pay heirs and close.
- Receive permission, pay heirs.