C A Mather Incorporated

Process Summary

Process Summary

The following is a brief summary of the winding up process:

  1. Obtain death certificate and gather required information and documentation.
  2. Complete forms.
  3. Draw letter reporting to master and deliver with 1 and 2.
  4. Deal with master’s queries if any.
  5. Obtain Letters Of Executorship.
  6. Report Estate to SARS.
  7. Arrange for first advertisement for creditors.
  8. Take control of assets
  9. Address all banks, creditors, debtors, medical aid, pension fund etc.
  10. Open estate banking account.
  11. Arrange for payment by banks etc
  12. Deal with immoveable property and investments.
  13. Draw Liquidation and distribution account.
  14. Submit account to master for approval to advertise.
  15. Deal with master’s queries if any.
  16. Advertise L&D account.
  17. Advise SARS and obtain clearance.
  18. Pay creditors.
  19. Request master’s permission to pay heirs and close.
  20. Receive permission, pay heirs.